A question we are often asked is “Why do I need the Time$aving Database Tool?” [MAMAT - Management and Maintenance Application Technology] A great question and there are many reasons that spring to mind. The question might be “Why would I not need it?” Below are listed some downsides to not having it;

Systems are becoming more and more complex and it is a challenge for IT staff to have all the equipment information easily available. Our tool solves that issue and gives you instant access to all the details you need to keep your IT cybersecurity robust and strong.

IT Systems and Cybersecurity, the information gathering process.

In cybersecurity, possible threats come in many ways and a full and complete assessment and update of systems needs to be carried out to minimize threats. The following is a visual representation of the process.

Consider the two triangles below, one for possible issues, the other for information gathered about possible issues.

By gathering crucial information about the IT network and attached devices, companies can minimize the threats from bad actors, protect their data from potential disaster scenarios and maximize their system’s uptime. When the data gathered has reached the appropriate level, by definition the security threats have been identified and minimized. For more information CLICK HERE to download
“The Triangles of Information” pdf.

Not having Time$aver Access Database

  1. IT Manager does not know the full extent of his IT network and equipment.
  2. Equipment cybersecurity status is often not fully known.
  3. Changes are difficult to keep track of.
  4. IT staff can forget to complete tasks in a timely manner.
  5. System complexity is increasing.
  6. More data than ever is being created.

Using the Time$aver Access Database

  1. It acts as a focusing agent for the IT system and network.
  2. Makes devices and task tracking easy to accomplish.
  3. Report writing for management is simplified.
  4. Turns reactive behavior into proactive performance.
  5. Enhances the job satisfaction of the IT staff.
  6. Enhances the Cyber-security Quality Assurance efforts of department.


Download the Time$aving Data Base

Do you want to be asked “WHY did you purchase the Time$aver Tool?” – [to improve our cybersecurity] or “WHY did you NOT buy it?” – [I didn’t get round to it, I didn’t think we needed it] you decide.


Time $aving Tool MAMAT
Management and Maintenance Application Technology