
We offer three areas of consulting;

  1. Assistance with the populating of data into the Access Database. The Time$saver tool will not be effective unless all of the device information and task definitions are loaded up into the tables. This may take quite a while, dependent upon how many resources the IT department have. We are available to help. Post sale of the Access Time$aver Tool we will provide resources so you can have your data entry begun and also we will provide feedback on your IT operations noting any possible weakness and vulnerability.
  2. We also do full site inspections covering all aspects of your IT system. The site inspection will cover all software and hardware issues plus various human aspects that may contribute towards security holes.
  3. Assess and support compliance for standards requirements such as:
    1. HIPPA – Their Security Rule requires covered entities to maintain reasonable and appropriate administrative, technical, and physical safeguards for protecting e-PHI.
    2.  NIST – Cybersecurity Framework – Identify and Protect
    3. Cybersecurity Capability Maturity Model (C2M2) – Asset Management
    4. ISO 27001 Benchmark for Information Security Management System (ISMS)

Download the TimeSaver Data Base

You are not alone. Many times it can be a lonely fight, in the shadows of business, maintaining IT systems and resolving bugs and fixing issues. We are just a click away from being the help you need. Don’t wait, the criminals don’t, they are at work 24 x 7. Our tool can help.
MAMAT – Management and Maintenance Application Technology


Your best ally in the fight against the bad guys. the Time$aving Tool
MAMAT  plus One Day of Cybersecurity Risk Assessment.