Tool for IT staff to register all of their hardware and software

harden your systems from the Cybercrooks and track 

all maintenance tasks in one application

Onsite Risk Assessment if needed

be proactive Now!


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Remember it’s not just big business, but any IT installation may be vulnerable. Our tool can help identify your risks.

Be Prepared with your Time $aving Tool get MAMAT

You are your greatest asset, and time is your most valuable commodity. If you want more time for family and friends this tool is for you. It saves you both time and money over the long term.

Create order out of chaos. Make report writing a breeze, know your IT status in a moment. The tool that takes doubt out of your decision making. Maintenance tasks automated so you can focus on the real problems and challenges of your IT network. Helps you to manage complexity in an ordered and structured manner.

Identify gaps in your record keeping, have key information available at a moment’s notice, know your weak points before the bad guys do and fix them.

As more and more people work from home it is vital that their equipment is tracked and also that they are prepared for a cyber attack. Home networks can leave a hole in a systems protection and these need to be evaluated carefully.

The medical, legal and accounting professions are changing their working architectures with more staff working remotely. These changes may create unintended holes in the system security, needing to be identified and resolved.

The more you use the database tool the more valuable it becomes. Information at your fingertips to help in fast and effective decision making by you or your manager.

Download the MAMAT Brochure now and learn how we can help. MAMAT Brochure Download

MAMAT – Management and Maintenance Application Tool.


Help manage your Cybersecurity

Our tool help you track the state of all of your machines. Are the antivirus definitions up to date? Have you finished training your staff on email phishing protection? Are your firewall configuration files up to date and verified? It makes your maintenance efforts more efficient and your staff more productive. Our tool can help.

TimeSaver Tool Saves Money

Proactive efforts are cheaper than reactive ones in the long run. Better to fix the slow leak of the tire than have a flat on the highway! Having a structured list of IT cybersecurity tasks is far more effective than merely memory or a notebook. Our tool can help.

automate repeating tasks

With the pressure of daily tasks increasing it can be a challenge to remember everything that needs to be done on a regular basis. Our Time$aver tool automates the reminders for you and can also track all of your equipment information.

System Backups

We generate so much data these days it’s a challenge to keep track of backups and the disaster recovery process. Our time$aver tool helps you remember which computers, hard disks or servers need backing up.

Our Time$aver tool is a Database which is designed for you to capture all of the key information on your IT equipment. Whether you are a small IT shop with a few computers, switches and Servers, or a medium size organization you can enter all of your crucial data into the Database.

The Time$aver tool is perfect for small business owners. The database can record all details of your equipment and remind your IT support team to manage all of their tasks effectively and efficiently. Even one computer not backed up, or Firewall not configured correctly can leave a hole for the bad guys to exploit.

Once fully populated the Access DB becomes the manager’s valuable asset. Often, when IT staff leave, their knowledge of the system goes with them. Not anymore, the information kept in the Time$saver DB provides knowledge continuity for the new person coming in. This saves time and money as the IT engineer gets up to speed faster than usual.

Choose the Perfect Solution 

The tool is an Access Database designed to provide you the perfect tool to track all of your regular IT tasks. Covering;

  • cybersecurity,
  • password management,
  • backups, and more…

It helps you to organize and structure your IT systems. You can quickly identify gaps in your process and it also has the capability to provide reports for your manager.

The tool saves you time and money. It is the perfect focusing agent that identifies any weakness in your IT management process. It provides order from the natural uncertainty and randomness that often exists in our systems.

We are all as good as what we did yesterday. What about the Printer, or the old switch that we have forgotten about, because it just sits there working? Did we remember to check the ink levels, what of the life cycle process of the switch, is it obsolete?

Our tool can help. Using the tool effectively will help you to reduce the risk of cybersecurity attacks and disaster recovery problems.